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Creative director with a knack for asking the right questions. Lots of questions. Zero pretentiousness. Effective problem-solving starts with asking the right questions. The who, what and why are key drivers to getting at the how.

As a result, my takeaways and strategy-driven deliverables are often not the norm. Vetting what’s said and even more important, what’s not said. Distilling information and editing out the bright and shiny distractions. Delivering the unexpected and complete narrative.

And rest assured, creative offerings tailored uniquely for you. Allergic to run-of-the-mill and easy-outs. No copy and paste here. Benchmark: If you can replace your client’s logo with a random brand mark — on a package, banner ad or social media post — you have not done your job.

Strategy. Relevance. Cohesion.

Sometimes the project calls for just my independent skill set. While more complex projects may require the talents of my proven partners and collaborators. Just the same…


As a more effective alternative to tradition-bound agencies, hellocuc inc. taps successful specialists based on skill sets needed for projects. Making sure our collective expertise caters to your expertise. That means limited overhead, no unnecessary moving parts or lavish lobbies. All our time and resources go to achieving results.

With me, Cuc, at the helm, you’ll have access to curated top talent. We research, define, challenge, and solve. Not limited by geography or office politics, only by possibility and creativity. And we believe, together, in delivering the best work possible. Memorable. Smile-inducing work.


STRATEGY: Busy-thinking before busy-doing. Abandon threadbare paths early and do not yield to bright and shiny distractions.

NAMING: Relevance, relevance and relevance. And oh, how I love portmanteaus!

BRANDING: One narrative — verbal and graphics — that evokes emotion and rises from the sea of norm.

ADVERTISING: Before the click, swipe, tap, buy or visit, there’s the stimulus. The real art of persuasion.

PACKAGING: Stand up tall, sit upright. Yes, looks are indeed everything.

ENVIRONMENT: To woo and to wow. The physical experience, enlightened — step by step.